Letter from Kate Vereb, Congregational President
Annual Pledge Drive 2024-2025 (FY2025)
Annual Pledge Drive 2024-2025 (FY2025)
March 22, 2024
Dear Chalice Congregant,
I hope this letter finds you well during this Spring season of renewal. I want to express my personal gratitude for your unwavering support of this community we all love. If there’s one thing I have learned this year in my role as the President of the Board of Trustees, it’s that Chalice has been a beacon of light, compassion, and nurturance to so many of us in a world that many of us find really tough at times. So many folks have shared with me the spiritual sustenance they have experienced after attending one of our uplifting services. I don’t know if it’s the singing, the sermon or sitting in a room full of people who love us and whom we love, but we all know that Chalice is a special place.
Although we had a record auction held for the first time in the Fall and we have increased rentals in our Hub, annual pledging remains the foundation of our budget income. Our primary expense remains our wonderful staff. We imagine that through additional funding, we could increase our programming in so many exciting ways including hiring a much-needed choir accompanist or taking care of our wonderful staff with cost of living increases. Last year we asked the congregation to step up and increase their pledges to avoid cutting our minister to half time. Overwhelmingly, the congregation did step up to continue funding.
Pledge packets will be available for pick up at Chalice on Sunday, March 24, and if we don’t see you then, they’ll go into the mail the next day. If you have never made a financial pledge to Chalice before, I hope you will consider making this commitment. If you are already a Chalice Member or Friend, I hope you will consider maintaining or increasing your annual pledge. Your pledge is a valuable investment in our shared values, and it enables us to continue fostering our community through our valuable programs. Please reflect to consider how your contribution makes possible our children’s Religious Education or the talent of our Music Ministry.
Your annual pledge is one of the ways we offer a tangible commitment to our values. By letting Chalice know how much you are willing to support for the 2024-2024 fiscal year, we can plan and budget effectively. You can pay your pledge in one sum or set up monthly or quarterly payments (like a Patreon but more spiritually fulfilling!).
No matter your choice, I appreciate having you as part of this Unitarian Universalist community we all love.
In love and service,
Kate Vereb
President, Board of Trustees
Dear Chalice Congregant,
I hope this letter finds you well during this Spring season of renewal. I want to express my personal gratitude for your unwavering support of this community we all love. If there’s one thing I have learned this year in my role as the President of the Board of Trustees, it’s that Chalice has been a beacon of light, compassion, and nurturance to so many of us in a world that many of us find really tough at times. So many folks have shared with me the spiritual sustenance they have experienced after attending one of our uplifting services. I don’t know if it’s the singing, the sermon or sitting in a room full of people who love us and whom we love, but we all know that Chalice is a special place.
Although we had a record auction held for the first time in the Fall and we have increased rentals in our Hub, annual pledging remains the foundation of our budget income. Our primary expense remains our wonderful staff. We imagine that through additional funding, we could increase our programming in so many exciting ways including hiring a much-needed choir accompanist or taking care of our wonderful staff with cost of living increases. Last year we asked the congregation to step up and increase their pledges to avoid cutting our minister to half time. Overwhelmingly, the congregation did step up to continue funding.
Pledge packets will be available for pick up at Chalice on Sunday, March 24, and if we don’t see you then, they’ll go into the mail the next day. If you have never made a financial pledge to Chalice before, I hope you will consider making this commitment. If you are already a Chalice Member or Friend, I hope you will consider maintaining or increasing your annual pledge. Your pledge is a valuable investment in our shared values, and it enables us to continue fostering our community through our valuable programs. Please reflect to consider how your contribution makes possible our children’s Religious Education or the talent of our Music Ministry.
Your annual pledge is one of the ways we offer a tangible commitment to our values. By letting Chalice know how much you are willing to support for the 2024-2024 fiscal year, we can plan and budget effectively. You can pay your pledge in one sum or set up monthly or quarterly payments (like a Patreon but more spiritually fulfilling!).
No matter your choice, I appreciate having you as part of this Unitarian Universalist community we all love.
In love and service,
Kate Vereb
President, Board of Trustees